Stop fighting with complicated
swing mechanics!

Hit crisp, long and straight golf shots,
injury free and with less effort

In full colour

Use my unique,
simple system
to build your own golf swing

by simplifying
 the basics
to naturally fit your body

the way your golf swing should!


Signature Golf Swing in Paperback


Lee Kopanski Golf Academy
Head (British) PGA Professional

 Trust your golf, place it in the hands of a
PGA Professional

Signature Golf Swing

Signature Golf Swing

Signature Golf Swing

Signature Golf Swing



Lee Kopanski

Dear fellow golfer,

My name is Lee Kopanski. I am a Head PGA Professional and have worked with 3 of the best coaches in the world over an 11 year period.

Many golfers struggle unnecessarily with complicated swing mechanics in search of perfection.

If your address position fits your body, your swing is well directed in relation to the target and your practise sessions are controlled, then your golf is guaranteed to be great! This is a proven method that works every time so please stop fighting with complicated swing mechanics, you don't need to!

The contents of each lesson included in Signature Golf Swing: Stop fighting with complicated swing mechanics! are detailed below. This is a 150 page paperback book which is fully illustrated in colour. Included are 51 golf lessons that you can quickly work through to build your own golf swing at your own pace to achieve your golfing goals.  

This is top quality, high-end golf tuition which is normally reserved exclusively for the best of the best, but without the price tag to match!  

Take a look below at exactly what is inside:-

Locking the left arm straight at address

Lessons 1-7: Swing Myth Demolition

It is better the devil you know, or is it?

Forcing your body to do something it doesn’t like will only end in tears. In spite of this fact, many golfers struggle desperately to hit down on the ball, keep their head down and still or force their left arm straight.

These over-taught and over-practised swing myths that I demolish will not only save you massive amounts of precious time and energy (not to mention cash) but will ensure that you steer clear of the stress and strains that practising poor techniques drags your body through!

I have seen many of these ideas, so called magic moves in golf magazines and other golf literature and they have sadly brainwashed many unsuspecting golfers with swing drills and poor techniques that can only lead toserious injury down the road.

Keeping the head down and still

Lessons 8-14: Dynamic Foundation

It is not enough to be comfortable before you throw your body into an explosive movement. Before you kick a ball do you relax? Before you return a serve in tennis do you feel loose and free of tension? No! You are ready for action, so why should your golf be any different?

Learn the simple methods at address that great golfers have known for generations to be the key to consistency and success. Learn to align your clubface and body with exceptional accuracy every time.  Learn how the golf club best fits in your hands and how a loose and relaxed grip is the biggest culprit in clubface alignment issues. Play the “easy ball” and naturally get your body into a dynamically ready position putting a spring in your step and priming your muscles for action. Learn what best fits you, be dynamic and your golf will be "Alive and Kicking".

Lessons 15-19: Signature Swing

Your best golf swing is no different to any other great golf swing. It is unique, like no other and it is here that you learn to embrace what you have rather than trying to be someone that you’re not.

Your ball is not alive. This may seem like a strange statement but all great players know that the secret to the game of golf lies in how you play a dead ball. This in itself will enable you to hit longer and straighter drives, hit more greens in regulation than ever before and will push the pressure away for every shot that you play. 

Develop instinctive feeling for your target and learn just how wrong the golfer is who blindly aims at the whole fairway with his driver or within a radius of one meter around the hole with his putter.

Gerhard Holzknecht MSc (Austria)

testimonial   As several times Austrian middle-distance running Champion I have a renewed excitement and love for sport at the age of 52. A friend introduced me to the game of golf, and after taking some useful lessons, I began to buy books to immerse myself into the subject and improve my swing. My frustration mounted as I had to think about 10 things at the same time during my swing and my success was limited until I had the opportunity to meet a Pro by the name of Lee Kopanski. In two lessons he was able to show me how simple the golf swing can be. I was not only impressed by the simplicity of Lee’s teaching methods, but also by his enthusiasm, dedication and love of golf. His book is a masterpiece. In one season alone I dropped 20 shots and I know that thanks to his teaching system I will be a single figure handicapper by the end of this season.
Thank you Lee, you are the best!


Gerhard Holzknecht MSc

Marathon winner (2,000 participants) in Riccione, Italy. Several times Austrian middle-distance runner Champion and trainer of Olympic, European and World Championship competitors. Gerhard Holzknecht has competed across London, Europe and the USA and received invitations to study in the USA. He writes for specialist magazines and has trained with Sebastian Coe, Steve Ovett, Steve Cram, Markus Ryffel, Mike Boit and other world-class athletes. 


Lessons 20-27: 1st Gear

This is where you will begin your journey into a new golfing world. Build your own golf swing with your own two hands at your own pace, naturally, the way that your body was designed to hinge, move and rotate. Your progress will be controlled every step of the way by the strategically positioned guides and controls.

Learn the benefits of firstly standing with your feet together to promote exceptional feel and control when dynamically ready for action, within your swing guides. Learn to avoid many of the swing faults that golfers of all levels develop by swinging back at waist height into the centre of gravity for your swing.

Use the guides to correctly direct your downswing path freeing the natural rotation of your body and generating an extra 60% power whilst producing exceptionally crisp and accurate golf shots.


Lessons 28-31: 2nd Gear

Now that your swing is correctly directed you learn how to gain exceptional control over your clubface through impact. The release as it is often called is a simple and natural movement that is over complicated by many a golfer. You will learn to co-ordinate the release, gelling it together with your correctly directed downswing resulting in even longer and straighter golf shots!

You learn a three point game plan to kick start the reprogramming of your muscle memory ensuring that the correct swing feelings and movements are second nature. To finish your 2nd Gear you will step up to the challenge practising within your swing controls to ensure that your practice is 100% productive.

Signature Golf Swing: Stop fighting with complicated swing mechanics!

This book will, without a doubt, propel your golf to the next level

The knowledge and techniques contained in lessons 1-51,
when followed in the correct order, thrust the gear stick into your own hands

Each lesson will guide and control your progress ensuring that you never stray
too far from home until the time is right for you to spread your wings and go it alone
You will once and for all become the boss of your golf

It's no easy job to put a price on years of hard work, dedication and experience

You could also do as I did, chase down Elite and Master Professionals and hang off their every word,
to gain the knowledge and experience that I am about to hand to you on a plate
at a fraction of the price.

This is not the average run of the mill golf instruction. No quick fixes, cheats or useless tips or tricks,
just straight forward facts backed up by things that really work.
This is top quality, high-end golf tuition that is normally exclusively reserved for the best of the best
but without the price tag to match!


In full colour

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10-12 working days

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Signature Golf Swing in paperback!

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Full colour paperback ISBN: 978-0-9569633-0-7
Page Count: 150 pages 
280 x 216mm (8.5" x 11")

Signature Golf Swing

Signature Golf Swing

Signature Golf Swing

Signature Golf Swing


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Hans Tritscher, 2010 Masters Tournament Champion
ÖGS (Austrian Seniors Golf Association)

Hans Tritscher, 2010 Masters Tournament Champion, ÖGS

testimonial   My Slice was killing my game and was losing me massive amounts of distance. I had 1 lesson with Lee and immediately started to hit longer and straighter than ever. My drivers were accurate, the Slice had vanished and my new found length left my playing partners scratching their heads! Lee’s teaching methods worked wonders for me and the highlight was being presented with the green jacket and crowned  Austrian Seniors Masters champion 2010.

Lesson 32

Lesson 32: Swing Myth 8: The Tiger Effect proves to you that to isolate a body part and to move it faster in an artificial way is completely useless and exceptionally poor advice. To spin your hips, shoulders or whatever it may be in search of a greater generation of power and club head speed is totally misguided, dangerous and will improve nothing. If you are constantly standing in front of a driving range mirror breaking down the natural flow of movement in your golf swing into pieces then the mirror is lying to you big time. The only thing this achieves at best is a stretch often with poor form. Tiger Wood's golf swing is exceptionally powerful but his hips are no different to yours or mine. The immense generation of power, as you will learn, is not a result of isolating a body part and forcing the speed of its movement but rather...

Lesson 32

Lesson 33

Lesson 33: The Mirror Never Lies, that is if you learn to use it correctly. You learn a simple technique that increases your muscle memory for the correct body movements in your golf swing. This is really simple and exceptionally easy to perform. This is a method that you can use in the comfort of your own home to ensure that you are correctly programming your body to complement the movements and rotations in your golf swing. Perfect practice will ensure that your golf game is as perfect as can be.

Lesson 33

Lesson 34

Lesson 34: Signature Swing 3rd Gear Body introduces your body into your correctly directed swing path, once again within your guides and controls. I take you step by step and prove to you how simple and natural your golf swing can be as you pack on the muscle and see the real benefits of building your own golf swing from the ground up. It will amaze you how simply your body turns and moves as part of a chain reaction of naturally occurring events…


Lesson 34

Alan Thompson (English National Elite Coach)

testimonial  I have known Lee for seven years as a pupil and a Golf Professional. During this time I have seen him work diligently on his technique with an intensity and commitment given to very few people. This same quality is evident in his conduct around the Pro’s Shop and in his own teaching where I know his attention to detail and enthusiasm for the job at hand ensures that his customers and clients receive the very best of attention. (1998)

Alan Thompson has inspired many England International junior boys and several England girls and ladies, including two Curtis Cup players. He is coach to many European Tour Professionals, PGA Professionals and to the England National Elite A Squad. Much of the future of English golf rests in his hands.

Lesson 35

Lesson 35: Swing Myth 9; Perfectly Still & 90. "Coil your upper body up against your lower body so that you can feel the tension." This is a highly recommend yet worthless piece of advice that you should run a mile from. I would go as far to say that this is coming from someone who has no interest in your improvement or has no idea how your body is designed to move. Do you feel tense when you throw or kick a ball to a distant target? You will discover that powerful and accurate is certainly not tense or perfectly still & 90 as many lead us to believe…

Lesson 35

Lesson 36

Lesson 36: Core Rotation. The core is the middle of your body, your heart and soul and where your natural balancing mechanisms function at their best. If your movement or body parts stray too far away from their core, your body will have to adjust and compensate to support it, spending valuable energy in the process. Many golfers are totally obsessed and brainwashed into believing that a golf swing is not a golf swing unless you are constantly battling with your hip or shoulder turn. In this lesson you learn the priceless truth of how to use your natural tools to the max whilst at the same time remaining within your core. It’s simple common sense that many totally overlook…

Lesson 36

Lesson 37

Lesson 37: Swing Myth 10; The Biggest Cock-Up is drilled into golf swings on driving ranges all over the world and it’s completely misunderstood. In fact I can say, with a lump in my throat, that this is the biggest cock up of all time. I know first hand how frustrating and debilitating the consequences of the incorrect use of wrist hinge in a golf swing can be. There are many golfers, including elite professionals, that make this mistake time and time again. They are left bewildered, wondering why they are losing control of the clubface at the top of their backswing and on into their downswing, unfortunately often when it matters most. This is a priceless lesson learned the hard way (myself included) that many overlook, once again due to its simplicity. I will prove to you how, when and why your wrists hinge, cock or break. It will blow your socks off and save you a fortune in ammunition…

Lesson 37

Jason Green (Sidney)

testimonial   As a Scratch player, for many years I have always found it hard to control the clubface throughout my backswing. I bought your Signature Golf Swing 3 months ago, got to say the lesson on wrists hinge was worth every cent, top class. My ball striking and consistency off the tee is the best it’s ever been, awesome.

Lesson 38

Lesson 38: The Power in Transition is often misunderstood, complicated and broken down into individual body parts taking the lead and moving in isolation. Consciously initiating your downswing with your hips and/or left hand is, as you have already discovered, totally artificial. I will prove to you through my teaching with the aid of easy to use exercises that this breaks the free flowing movement that produces the natural forces in the first place. The power in transition delivers exceptionally powerful ball striking and is the real reason so many amateurs are breaking their necks to hit down on the ball. You will learn how simply dynamic your golf swing can naturally be by utilising the power in transition…

Lesson 38

Lesson 39

 Lesson 39: Drive to Top Gear is where you come face to face with the facts that will make or break you. It is here that you learn that you are the only one that can cheat yourself out of a successfully built Signature Swing. It’s my job to make sure that you don’t, with three pearls of wisdom that have made many a master…

Lesson 39

Lesson 40

Lesson 40: 4th Gear; Personality steers you away from the number one golf swing killer. You learn to embrace your own instinctive feelings by stamping your personal Signature Swing with its individual personality. You won’t be left to let your hair down and run totally wild as your safety net of guides and controls ensure you don’t stray too far from home…

Lesson 40

Denis Pugh (PGA *MASTER Professional)

testimonial  Lee Kopanski regularly visited me for golf instruction over a 14 month period during the time I was based at the Warren Golf Club in Essex. Lee made a big effort to travel from his home in the North of England and thereby proved his commitment to improving both his golf swing and his knowledge of teaching. His understanding of the mechanics of the golf swing plus his interest in the skills of teaching will, I am sure, serve him well within the future. (2000)

Denis Pugh is the renowned golf analyst on Sky Sports Golf Night and was a former tour player himself. He has coached over 150 Tour Professionals since 1988. He is most famous for his long time association with 8 time European Order of Merit winner and Ryder Cup star Colin Montgomerie.   

*PGA Master  Professional.
Awarded by the PGA to qualified Members held in high national or international esteem. Members that have made a significant contribution to the development of golf as a player, coach, administrator, or course designer. A leader in their field for a number of years. An innovator.

Lesson 41

Lesson 41: 4th Gear; Up to Full teaches you how to simply polish up on your mirror image, programming your body with all of the correct swing feelings and movements. You learn how to recognise the correct positions and key check points whilst at the same time ensuring that your individual instinct and feeling for the shot holds precedence. If you want to build your own golf swing with your own two hands to fit your body naturally, the way it should, then this lesson is priceless!

Lesson 41

Lesson 42

Lesson 42: True Impact up to Top Gear is the only way that you can truly build your own Signature Swing and truly call it your own. Throughout the building process to make a true impact on your golf all that is left for you to do is grab a bucket of balls, select a target and throw as many instinctive impulses at it as your grey matter can handle! This lesson is fully focussed on naturally drawing the best out of you!

Lesson 42

Lesson 43

Lesson 43: 4th Gear all the way up to the top will do exactly that! You are taken clearly, step by step through all of the key aspects, all the way up to the top of your Signature Swing. You learn how to naturally position your body to achieve the correct angles and rotations, as an extension of your guides and controls. Nothing is left to chance as your Signature Swing reacts consistently to your target, producing great golf shots time and time again.

Lesson 43

Simon Evans (Kent, UK)

testimonial  I thought I was a “has been” having once played off a steady 2 Hcp then I totally lost it. My handicap crept up every year and it was that bad at one stage that I didn’t touch a club for 8 months.  I found Lee Kopanski on the web and thought he would be churning out the same old techniques that I was tired of hearing about. Got to give it to you Lee your lessons are top notch and for the most part new to me. The lesson on core rotation is simply fantastic and with the help of your Signature Golf Swing book I am back to striking the ball just like the good old days and I’m now chasing that 2 Hcp! 

Lesson 44

Lesson 44: 5th Gear; Power in Transition is introduced into your Signature Swing at Top Gear. Top Gear is the basic framework of your Signature Swing; the Power in Transition on the other hand is the wild stallion busting to get out onto the arena. Sit tight and enjoy the ride; a beast will never be fully tamed but work with him, the natural force that he is and every second will be as thrilling as the last. Your golf swing, no matter what the make or model you are, can be as or if not more powerful than the slightly built guy who drives the ball past everyone he plays. We all know one!

Lesson 46

Lesson 45

Lesson 45: Pack on the Muscle: Power in Transition is where you really see the fruits of your labour come to fruition. As an extension of your guides and controls you begin to utilise the true dynamics of your Signature Swing. You can guarantee that your new found power and distance will be guided within a controlled environment, ensuring your success. This lesson uncovers the secret of the slightly built golfer that can hit the ball a great distance simply by utilising the full dynamics of his golf swing to the max. If you work together hand in hand with Mother Nature the rewards are guaranteed to be nothing less than dynamic!

Lesson 45

Lesson 46

Lesson 46: Top Gear is you and your Signature Swing fully firing on all cylinders, it’s the place you want to be. You learn to avoid the mistakes that many a golfer walks straight into, scattering their swing mechanics out on a cold hard floor trying in vain to screw all the nuts, bolts and body parts back onto the main chassis. Your Top Gear is your Signature Swing full of instinctive feeling as you spread your wings and free yourself of your guides and controls. Well done my friend you’ve made it…

Lesson 46

Joe Doyle (London, UK)

testimonial "I have played golf and took golf lessons for over twenty years so there’s not much I haven’t heard or tried. Lee’s teaching methods on the other hand were a breath of fresh air I don’t think about my hips, shoulders or any of the other complicated stuff. In just one season I dropped from Hcp 17 to Hcp 8 using his guides. I am made up, I owe you a few beers, cheers Lee!

Lesson 47

Lesson 47: Master Plan. As you shift through the Gears and your Signature Swing matures you will develop your own dominant shape. There is no golfer in this world that hits perfectly straight golf shots and on the contrary, it is here that you learn how advantageous this can be. Jack Nicklaus, one of the greatest players of all time, revealed that before a tournament he’d go to the driving range to find his shot for the day. You learn to find yours with a master plan and I guarantee the fairways and greens will double in size. Your target will be cornered with no place to hide…

Lesson 47

Lesson 48

Lesson 48: Your Dominant Shape. Your master plan has found your dominant shape and your shot for the day so this is where you learn to use it. You learn to master your strategy playing to your strengths and minimising your weaknesses. Every great player knows that they can’t hit the perfect shot every time but a bad shot will never be that painful again…

Lesson 48

Lesson 49

 Lesson 49: The Zone. We can talk about swing mechanics until we are blue in the face but just mention mental preparation and the general response is “there's nothing wrong with me!” To be in your zone you don’t have to be an elite athlete or a Shaolin monk for that matter. Have you ever driven your car or ridden your bike arriving at your destination without recalling how you got there? This is you in your zone, the place that mental master minds rave about and you do it naturally, simply without thinking. Ever wondered how?

Lesson 49

Lesson 50

Lesson 50: Your Golf Swing Zone: Key Elements. Pressure makes a golfer’s hands sweat, their heart pound and their head spin, so how do great players push the pressure away? You learn a simple nine-point pre-shot routine that is easy to use for all golfers without exception. A simple system distracts you from the intensity of the moment to ensure that you are fully focused on the shot you are about to play. Breathing is something that we all take for granted. The golfing greats and elite sportsmen on the other hand are fully aware that simply breathing correctly focuses the mind, relaxes the soul and strengthens the body ten-fold. It is here that you learn one of the most fatal mistakes that golfers of all levels make especially under pressure. I can assure you this lesson is certainly not just full of hot air, it will astound you as it did me! Using the correct breathing patterns and correctly preparing your body and mind for action will guarantee that you excel. You will never say that you didn't give it your best shot ever again…

Lesson 50

Bill Ferguson (PGA MASTER Professional)

testimonial  I have known Lee Kopanski for the past two years and I have also taught him not only about his personal golf swing, but also the golf swing in general. I found him to be a very personable young man, articulate and well mannered. (2000) 

There are not many people that can claim Colin Montgomerie as a caddy but Bill Ferguson can. Bill was Monty's first mentor as a nine-year old and coached him well into his professional career. Bill Ferguson's playing highlights include lifting the PGA Club Professional Championship in 1976. He was the English national coach for 25 years and is a past Yorkshire captain of the PGA as well as serving on the executive committee. Bill Ferguson has been a mentor to many great players including; Colin Montgomerie, Ian Woosnam, Howard Clark, Darren Clarke, Seve Ballesteros and Paul Broadhurst.

Lesson 51

Lesson 51: Time Zone. Make sure that neither the group behind you, your competitors nor the rules guy are breathing down your neck, waiting for you to play your shot. Dwell too long over your pre-shot routine and you will be as stiff as a board. Fly through it and you are wasting your time. No two golfers are the same. Learn to master your own individual time zone and be fully focused on the shot you are about to play.


Signature Golf Swing: Stop fighting with complicated swing mechanics!

Lesson 51

In full colour 

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Signature Golf Swing

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testimonial  Hello Lee, I have searched far and wide and tried many things before discovering your Signature Golf Swing teaching system. I followed it exactly, lesson for lesson, it is amazing how easy golf can be. At the beginning of the season a par 72 course took me 127 shots, but thanks to your book, at the end of the season I am regularly playing rounds of 90 shots. Brilliant!

Ronald Pischof

Ronald Pischof (Graz, Austria)



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Full colour paperback

Page Count:
150 pages 
Size: 280 x 216mm
(8.5" x 11")


Signature Golf Swing

Signature Golf Swing

Signature Golf Swing

Signature Golf Swing


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Lee Kopanski featured in Golfing Magazine

Golfing Magazine Feature on Lee Kopanski

Lee Kopanski and his hugely successful and unique golfing tuition methods were featured over a 6 page spread in February 2011 issue of
Golfing Magazine 
with over 100,000 readers

Lee Kopanski as Golf Expert at

Lee Kopanski regularly contributes as Golf Expert at golfmagic 
with an entire section dedicated to golf instruction and a busy user's forum all benefitting from
Lee Kopanski's
expert tuition and advice

What does Signature Golf Swing absolutely guarantee?:

  • No quick fixes, cheats or useless tips or tricks
  • Top quality high-end golf tuition exclusively reserved for the golfing elite
  • That you can build your own Signature Golf Swing
  • Straighter and longer shots, without complicated swing mechanics
  • Injury free golf; no more pain
  • That players of all standards will benefit massively
  • To push the pressure away with instinctive golf
  • Perfect practice by arming you with guides and controls

Guidelines Address

Guidelines Take Away

Guidelines Mid-Backswing

Guidelines Top of Backswing

Guidelines Attack

Guidelines Follow Through

Guidelines Finish Position


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Trust your golf, place it in the hands of a PGA Professional

Lee Kopanski Golf Academy
Head (British) PGA Professional

Thermengolfclub Fürstenfeld-Loipersdorf

Gillersdorf 50,
 8282 Loipersdorf

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Lee Kopanski Golf Academy